September 22, 2009
Dear Brother and Sister Barnard:
Sister Sanchez and I welcomed your son to the California San Bernardino Mission last Tuesday. He was happy and excited as we greeted him in the airport. We have enclosed a picture taken at the "Conference Tree" in San Bernardino we thought you would like. We have had three sons serve missions, so we know a little of what you are experiencing in the separation. We know that your son is precious to you and we will do our best to encourage him and rejoice with him as he fulfills his purpose here to bring others to the Savior. If you have any extra concerns, please don't hesitate to call us.
His trainer, Elder Rupp, is an excellent missionary, and we feel that we have placed Elder Barnard in excellent hands as he learns the busy life of a missionary. Your son has many talents that were apparent already to us in the day that we spent with him. He has much to add to this mission. The diversity of people, the diversity of areas within the mission, and the good members of the Chruch who are here, will help him certainly have many experiences that will reaffirm his testimony of God's love for all his children, and the universal appeal of the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
His days will be full of study, exercise, finding people to teach, teaching in non member homes, and working with less-active and part-member families. He will be encouraging and setting a great example to the youth here. Also, service is a big part of his experience. He will become a master teacher of the basic principles of the gospel in word and in deed.
Thank you for caring enough to "send your very best" to help us in this Mission. He may email or write to you on his preparation day, which is Monday. Also he can call on Christmas and Mother's Day. Please encourage him to focus on his purpose here. We find that those who do this are able to be "empowered by home" and not "homesick". He will gain great strength from your support, your advice, and encouragement as he learns to trust in the Lord.
President David T. Sanchez
Sister Carol Sanchez
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sorry, this letter is going to be late. I forgot to write yesterday. It is now Tuesday. We have another baptismal date set up for .... Yesterday we went bowling and I got a 122 score as my highest. I miss you terribly. Could you have Sierra, Danny, you and Michael write me a letter. It would be awesome. The work is still doing good. This will be the shortest letter I ever write to you. So I love you alot and can't wait to talk to you. Oh yeah, on Mondays I am on the internet about 12:20 for about an hour, so if you want to be able to talk on line, there it is. Love you like always.
Elder Dustan Barnard
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